How much is a meal for two at local restaurant in Bali?
The local restaurants offers cheap, but very tasty food
Local restaurant in Bali – good food for reasonable price!
How much is a meal for two at local restaurant in Bali? This is а frequently asked question. It’s depend on where you eat – the type of restaurant and location. But mainly the price is low.
For example:
A dinner for two at local restaurant is about 110 000 IDR or $7. The menu include nasi goreng (fried rice), fried egg, ayam bakar (grilled chicken), nasi putih (steamed rice), cap cay (vegetables), two types of sambal (homemade hot sauce) and 2 es teh (ice tea).
Everything was so fresh and delicious!
Nothing fancy, but we like the service and food. The restaurant is located in Kuta, near famous Kubu Anyar street.

The good thing: Bali definitely caters to all budgets! If you want to visit a posh restaurant, you can. If you’re a budget traveler, you will find a really good food easily.
Price of drinks:
The prices at local restaurants – 5 000 IDR ($0,30) for Es teh (ice tea), 25 000 IDR ($1,60) for local beer.
Food cost in Bali per day: 150 000 – 200 000 per person at local restaurants include drinks.
Where you can eat a really good food in Bali?
Literally everywhere! You can eat a really good food at street stalls, famous warungs, fancy cafes, middle range restaurants and hotel dining spots.